Monday, July 9, 2012

A P-51C at KSBP

A TP-51C came through town with the 2012 Wings of Freedom Tour.  It made several semi-low passes during the week it was in town (around May 16th).  It was in town with a B-24.  The aircraft were on display and giving rides.  Rides in the B-24 were $325-$400, and rides in the P-51C were $2200 for 1/2 hour and $3200 for a full hour.  Apparently several people did the P-51 rides since it made several low passes during it's 3day stay.  Below is a video of one of the passes.

North American T-28C and PT-27

A T-28 and a Steerman!  They take up a lot of space.  Total human cargo in this picture is 4 souls.  The T-28 is only 17 years newer than the Steerman.  Both are very large aircraft for their number of seats.