Monday, July 9, 2012

A P-51C at KSBP

A TP-51C came through town with the 2012 Wings of Freedom Tour.  It made several semi-low passes during the week it was in town (around May 16th).  It was in town with a B-24.  The aircraft were on display and giving rides.  Rides in the B-24 were $325-$400, and rides in the P-51C were $2200 for 1/2 hour and $3200 for a full hour.  Apparently several people did the P-51 rides since it made several low passes during it's 3day stay.  Below is a video of one of the passes.

North American T-28C and PT-27

A T-28 and a Steerman!  They take up a lot of space.  Total human cargo in this picture is 4 souls.  The T-28 is only 17 years newer than the Steerman.  Both are very large aircraft for their number of seats.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Beech Model 17 "Staggerwing" visits KSBP

  One of the classics from the golden age of aviation stopped by earlier this month.  This aircraft was considered to be the premier executive aircraft of its time.  It is often referred to as one of the most beautiful aircraft ever made.

New Resident an R 66

A new turbine Robinson R-66 has made KSBP it's new home.  Looks a lot like the R-44 but a little bigger and sleeker.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

C-130 from West Virginia Air Guard visits KSBP

A C-130 did a fly by and landed at KSBP Thursday afternoon this week.  Happened to catch it on my way home.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Relentless NXT Low Pass

I caught Relentless NXT aka: Race 42 doing a low pass at KSBP in September 2009.  This is a beautiful aircraft with an awesome sounding engine.

Friday, January 20, 2012

1929 Travel Air S6000B in Jan 2010 at KSBP

This old guy flew in from Paso Robles for a xpdr cert. Neat old plane. Had a tile bathroom in the back. Apparently this aircraft has been continually registered since new, never derelict.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ford Tri Motor in 2002 at KSBP

This was the last flight for NC7501V out of KSBP.  Off to new owner.  If anyone knows it's current whereabouts please post a comment.